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Equality Street - 2023 November - pic 1

Equality Street, innovative learning content for children and training for teachers

Equality Street brings innovative learning content for children ages 6-10 years old and trains teachers so that it:

  • sends out a strong message against gender discrimination,
  • brings about higher appreciation of individuals over and above gender,
  • raises awareness of gender inequalities around us and
  • points out mindsets at home, in the media, institutions that foster gender inequality

The project works for more inclusion in education and in the school space.

It reaches out to students’ households through targeted pedagogical strategies making school education a positive agent that fosters equity and equality responsive to the needs of the wider community ie. awareness of gender inequalities.

Inequalities are at times obvious and visible and at times ingrained in our culture but always with pervading consequences ranging from gaps in opportunities and pay to gender based and domestic violence..

November 2023

First meeting in Bordeaux for project planning. The meeting included a couple of workshops on cultural diplomacy in schools on the subject of gender equality and on transformative learning strategies.

Equality Street - 2023 November - pic 2

September 2023

First meet up online for the partners’ introductions and exchange of some very early information. All partners joined the brief meeting with a good spirit to start.


- Equality Street - Online - 2023 September